Our Dogs - Ruger

Lampe's Sweet Country Boy Ruger, CGC


Show Successes



AKC Agility-Pickles Titled Novice Standard Preferred-NAP
Titled Novice Jumpers Preferred-NJP
Titled North American Dock Diving, Novice Dog-ND
Pickles is the 1st Great Dane to Title in AKC Dock Diving!!
Ruger-Canine Companion Dog-CGC
4pt Major at GDCSD Speciality 9 mos old
As of 2014 Ruger has 11pt and 1 Major @ 15 mos old


International Champion - Pickles
BOB all three days and a Group 2
INT'L CH. BISS Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly CGC
ASCA Agility Novice Gambles Title-Pickles


ASCA Agility Novice Standard Title- Pickles

4th Place - Splash Dog Division - Rancho Cucamonga - Pickles

Great Dane Club of San Diego Best in Specialty Show
    4pt Major BISS Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly
ASCA Agility Novice Jumper Title- Pickles
WD Cabrillo Kennel Club- Raiffe


Great Dane Club of California Specialty Reserve Winners Bitch - Pickles


Great Dane Club of California -Best in Match - Pickles
Cabrillo Kennel Club-WB/BOW- Pickles
Cabrillo Kennel Club - WD - Raiffee





Upcoming Events:

June 7/8th 2014

Great Dane Club of California Specialty - Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area

Litters Expected:

None at this time.




Our Dogs - Ruger


Lampe's Sweet Country Boy Ruger, CGC

Ruger is Lampe Dane's first male Dane. He turned one year old in July. At 8 months, he was qualified as a Canine Good Citizen.
Danielle continues to train him in obedience in hopes to become a certified service dog and therapy dog.
Pictured below is Ruger's first win at the San Diego Great Dane Specialty, winning a 4 point major, at 9 months old.
Ruger has 1 Major and 11pts at 15mos pld all out of the Bred By Exhibitor Class.

Other than showing or training, Danielle and Ruger enjoy playing and swimming at the dog beach.


Ruger at 6 months
Ruger at 6 months

Regal Ruger
Regal Ruger

Run Ruger
Run Ruger Run

Happy Ruger at beach
Happy Roog at Beach

GDCSD 4 pt

Ruger 1 pt
1 pt WD