Our Dogs - Pickles

Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly


Show Successes



AKC Agility-Pickles Titled Novice Standard Preferred-NAP
Titled Novice Jumpers Preferred-NJP
Titled North American Dock Diving, Novice Dog-ND
Pickles is the 1st Great Dane to Title in AKC Dock Diving!!
Ruger-Canine Companion Dog-CGC
4pt Major at GDCSD Speciality 9 mos old
As of 2014 Ruger has 11pt and 1 Major @ 15 mos old


International Champion - Pickles
BOB all three days and a Group 2
INT'L CH. BISS Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly CGC
ASCA Agility Novice Gambles Title-Pickles


ASCA Agility Novice Standard Title- Pickles

4th Place - Splash Dog Division - Rancho Cucamonga - Pickles

Great Dane Club of San Diego Best in Specialty Show
    4pt Major BISS Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly
ASCA Agility Novice Jumper Title- Pickles
WD Cabrillo Kennel Club- Raiffe


Great Dane Club of California Specialty Reserve Winners Bitch - Pickles


Great Dane Club of California -Best in Match - Pickles
Cabrillo Kennel Club-WB/BOW- Pickles
Cabrillo Kennel Club - WD - Raiffee





Upcoming Events:

June 7/8th 2014

Great Dane Club of California Specialty - Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area

Litters Expected:

None at this time.




Our Dogs - Pickles


Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly

Pickles and pups

Pickles is retired from the conformation ring we will continuing training in Agility working toward AKC and ASCA titles.

Pickles  conformation is true to the breed, and her personality in the ring is a challenge for Danielle which will make her a better handler in the long run. They have won Best in Match at the Great Dane Club of California Match this spring which was a good boost for them.

Pickles enjoys playing on the trampoline, going for bike jogs, and cuddling on the couch,

...and playing at the beach!

Because we value her free spirit and playful personality, we have decided to pursue Agility. She has found her calling!

Pickles currently trains at Jumpin' K-9's, Inc.

We will pick and chose the shows for Pickles as she matures.

Pickles is blessed with beauty and brains. We are very proud of what Pickles has done in Conformation and Performance.


11 Reserve wins

2013 - International Champion

2013- ASCA - Gamble Novice Title

2012- Agility Trials ASCA,CPE and AKC Working towards her Championship in Agility

2012- Great Dane Club of San Diego Specialty - Best in Specialty Show

2012- ASCA Novice Jumpers Title

2012- ASCA Novice Standard Title

2012- Splash Dog Title

2012- CGC Title

8 Reserve wins 1 major Reserve win at Great Dane Club California Specialty

ASCA Pickles has moved up to open jumpers after 1st trial

Pickles Profile 2012

Pickles at Great Dane Club - Match

Pickles at Great Dane Club Match

Pickle's Parents

Pickle's Parents

www.daneworld.com for more info

Grandma and Pickles

Grandma and Pickles

Pickles in Las Vegas

Great Dane Club Reserve Winners Bitch

Pickle's Pedigree

Pickle's Pedigree