About Us

Learn about our passion


Show Successes



AKC Agility-Pickles Titled Novice Standard Preferred-NAP
Titled Novice Jumpers Preferred-NJP
Titled North American Dock Diving, Novice Dog-ND
Pickles is the 1st Great Dane to Title in AKC Dock Diving!!
Ruger-Canine Companion Dog-CGC
4pt Major at GDCSD Speciality 9 mos old
As of 2014 Ruger has 11pt and 1 Major @ 15 mos old


International Champion - Pickles
BOB all three days and a Group 2
INT'L CH. BISS Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly CGC
ASCA Agility Novice Gambles Title-Pickles


ASCA Agility Novice Standard Title- Pickles

4th Place - Splash Dog Division - Rancho Cucamonga - Pickles

Great Dane Club of San Diego Best in Specialty Show
    4pt Major BISS Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly
ASCA Agility Novice Jumper Title- Pickles
WD Cabrillo Kennel Club- Raiffe


Great Dane Club of California Specialty Reserve Winners Bitch - Pickles


Great Dane Club of California -Best in Match - Pickles
Cabrillo Kennel Club-WB/BOW- Pickles
Cabrillo Kennel Club - WD - Raiffee





Upcoming Events:

June 7/8th 2014

Great Dane Club of California Specialty - Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area

Litters Expected:

None at this time.




About Us - Janet and Danielle


Janet Lampe


Janet Lampe with pups Janet Lampe Janet Lampe
Janet with pups
Janet and Eleanor
Janet and Pickles

Hi, My name is Janet Lampe, and as far back as I can remember I have always had a heart for animals. Growing up we had a St. Bernard, Gretel  and one cat , Smokey. I was the one who helped my dad with walking, bathing, medicating and going to the vet  with our dog and cat. 

When I was 13 years old we bred our St. Bernard and my parents allowed me to keep a puppy whom I showed in Jr. Handling and earned a CDX obedience title.  At age 15 I started to work at our local Vet office as a kennel  girl. Robin was the RVT who was head Tech and office manager. After working with Robin, I knew my goal was to get my degree and license to become an RVT and run a Vet office.

As I worked on my goal, I also worked my way up to head tech/back office manager at Mission Viejo Animal Hospital. In 1983 I completed my goal and was an licensed RVT. I began working  as an RVT/back office manager at San Clemente Animal Hospital.  Three years later I returned to Mission Viejo Animal Hospital as RVT/back office manager.

In 1988 I got married, we bought a home and I was given the opportunity to work for a Specialist at The Animal Dermatology Clinic. Through the years,The Animal Dermatology Clinicwas flexible with my hours allowing me to raise three children while working.

ADC  has clinics all over the U.S.A. In  1999, I  started and ran the satellite clinic in Temecula. As my children became older teens, I picked up the satellite clinic in Carlsbad two years ago. I presently work approximately  1 day a week at the Palm Desert clinic.

I started Pet Care in Your Home, a pet sitting business 17 years ago when we moved to Temecula. It has grown over the years  into many friendships and special relationships with my animal clients.

My daughter Danielle handled our 1st Champion Great Dane and achieved all her titles: AM/INT'L CH. Lampe's Sweet Eleanor's Honey Lager CGC and BISS INT'L CH. Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly CGC.

My hobbies include raising, showing and breeding Great Danes. I worked Pickles in Agility and Dock Diving Performance Sports which earned her JS-N,RS-N,GS-N and SPD titles after her name too. I also enjoy my book club, the beach, and hiking.

I have some books to recommend:

A Dogs Purposeby W. Bruce Cameron

The Art of Racing in the Rainby Garth Stein

Amazing GracieBy Dan Dye

Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell and Knowby Alexandra Horowitz

Danielle Lampe

click to enlarge

Click image to enlarge as shown in:www.greatdanereview.com

Danielle and Pickles

Sweet Pickles

Danielle in ring

Danielle handling Raffee


March 09 ad

Click image to enlarge.

Best Junior Handler

Best Jr. Handler at the Great Dane Club of Ca. Specialty June 2008

Danielle and Pickles in Las Vegas

Danielle and Pickles in Las Vegas

Danielle and Jack

Danielle and Jack

Danielle and Ellie

Danielle and Eleanor

1st dog show with pickles

Danielle and Pickles - 1st Show


I am 17 years old and a Junior in High School. As I look back on pictures of myself, I was always holding or playing with an animal of some sort. If I didn't have a pet to hold, I carried around a stuffed animal.

I have always loved animals and all my memories as a child revolve around animals. As a young girl, I always wanted to be a Vet or work at the Zoo.

I currently have a cat named Abby, who is very shy and only likes me. I have had her since I was 7. She was my very first pet.   Jack is my Chinese Crested Powder Puff, who is MY dog. I did agility with him and he got his CGC title. I taught him many tricks and commands. He is really just the best dog.

My most special pet that I had for three years was my horse Bubba. He was a 16-18 year old Thoroughbred who was very challenging and rewarding for me. I don't own him anymore. Unfortunately we grew apart in our level of riding.

I have a huge rat cage in my room housed by 2 female rats whom I adore. One of which is hairless and I plan on breeding over the summer. I also have a 55 gallon Cichlid fish tank in my room. I guess you can say my room is filled with animals.

After Bubba, I started showing our first Great Dane, Millie in Junior showmanship and did well. We bred her and got our first Champion ever, CH. Lampe's Eleanor's Sweet Honey Lager "Eleanor" was my first Great Dane I finished in the AKC breed ring. We finished the day before my 16th birthday and a week before Eleanor's 2nd birthday. All the points were won in Southern California's tough competition. I didn't special her afterwards but I went on to the IABCA for her International Title. We bred Eleanor and I am now working on her puppy Lampe's Sweet Pickles Don't Ya Love Her Madly "Pickles" in the AKC ring. I also am handling a 2 year old fawn male in the breed ring for a client. My future goals are to become a Registered Nurse and continue to show dogs and own various animals.

I am now working at the Laundered Mutt in Temecula as a Dog Washer. Take your dog down for a good wash. Check outthelaunderedmutt.com.

Troy Lampe

Troy on trampoline Troy jumping over Pickles
Troy on trampoline Troy jumping Pickles
Troy exercising Eleanor Troy exercising Eleanor
Troy with Eleanor  

Troy is our Great Dane personal trainer. He started out by exercising Eleanor with his electric scooter jogging her around the block as a pup. As she got older they advanced to the skateboard pulling Troy up hills at a jog.

Now that she is three years old, Eleanor enjoys going for walks. Pickles never liked the skateboard so Troy works her out daily with bike jogs. Troy and Pickles also enjoy playing on the trampoline together.